A.C.E. framework: A model for e-learning implementations Awanuiarangi Research Archive

A.C.E. framework: A model for e-learning implementations

Clayton, John (2010) A.C.E. framework: A model for e-learning implementations. In: A.C.E framework: A model for e-learning implementations: An invited presentation, 27 August, 2010, University of Massachusetts, Dartmouth, Massachusetts.

[thumbnail of Presentation Boston]
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In response to a range of objectives outlined in Tertiary Education Strategies and the recommendations of work-parties around the use of information and communication technologies the New Zealand Ministry of Education has funded a range of open, flexible and networked learning research, developmental and implementation projects since 2003. The principle underlying these projects is that the smart use of information and communication technologies (ICTs) will provide learners with a greater choice as to where, when and how they learn. As a leading vocational education provider the Waikato Institute of Technology (Wintec) recognised that conventional models of education, solely dependent upon physical attendance at scheduled face-to-face sessions, may no longer suit every educational situation, the needs of individual learners or the desires of local communities. It was clear “flexibility” was a concept Wintec should consider in fulfilling their obligations of providing high quality learning experiences to their learners. During a review of Wintec’s flexible delivery maturity a pictorial framework, A.C.E, was developed firstly, to guide the introduction of flexible learning activities undertaken within the institution and secondly, to provide a diagrammatic overview to increase institutional awareness of ”flexibility”.

The A.C.E. framework is based on the three As, Cs, and Es, the constituent parts of the framework are: The 3As: Awareness (participants reflect upon the existing educational capacity and capability), Action (activities are generated providing guidance for e-learning implementations) and Accomplishment (the impact of implementations are measured). The 3Cs: Context (factors shaping and influencing perceptions), Content (factors influencing direction and focus) and Capability (factors shaping participant confidence and understanding). The 3Es: Enabled (initiatives can be measured by how they have enabled users to participate), Engaged (initiatives can be measured by how they have initiated and maintained engagement) and Empowered (initiatives can be measured by how they have ensured capability of participation).
Using the A.C.E framework a pictorial diagram has been produced firstly, to guide the introduction of flexible learning in teaching and learning and the provision of support services in the institution and secondly, to provide a diagrammatic overview to increase institutional awareness of flexible learning.This invited presentation explored how the ACE Framework could be used by a range of organisations.

Item Type: Conference or Workshop Item (Lecture)
Uncontrolled Keywords: ICT, e-learning, measuring impact, planning
Subjects: Education > Education (General)
Divisions: ?? CORPORATE-EM ??
Depositing User: Professor John Clayton
Date Deposited: 27 Feb 2011 08:26
Last Modified: 30 Aug 2021 01:37
URI: https://researcharchive.awanuiarangi.ac.nz/id/eprint/144

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