Bennett, Susan and Witten, Ian and Clayton, John and Corich, Steven (2013) We need to talk about MOOCs. In: CITRENZ2013: 26th Annual Conference of Computing & Information Technology Research & Education New Zealand: Engaging With Communities, 6-9 October, 2013, Hamilton, New Zealand.
Clayton, John (2013) Digital badge dashboards: A conceptual overview. In: ITP Technology Transfer Symposium, 16-17 July, 2013, Wellington, New Zealand.
Clayton, John (2013) Digital badges for accreditation: Exploring the challenges. In: WCELfest13: Make the future now!, 31 January, 2013, Hamilton, New Zealand.
Clayton, John (2013) Digital badges in health: A position paper for New Zealand educational providers. In: NET2013 Conference, 3-5 September, 2013, Cambridge, England.
Clayton, John (2013) Establishing a Quality Education Development Centre in Jubail Technical Institute: Kingdom Of Saudi Arabia. In: Sino/New Zealand Research Forum: Excellence in Vocational Teaching Symposium, 23-24 September, 2013, Qingdao, China.
Clayton, John (2013) The establishment of a Quality Education Development Centre in the Kingdom Of Saudi Arabia. In: ITP Technology Transfer Symposium, 16-17 July, 2013, Wellington, New Zealand.
Clayton, John and Elliott, Richard (2013) Emerging trends and definitions of blended learning: Reviewing informal and formal learning environments and course design. In: altc2013 (Assosiation for Learning Technologies Conference 2013): Building new cultures of learning, 10-12 September, 2013, Nottingham, England.
Clayton, John and Fitzpatrick, Jeremy and Welsh, Anne (2013) E-portfolios in health: Exploring perceptions of education and management. In: NET2013 Conference, 3-5 September, 2013, Cambridge, England.
Clayton, John and Hall, Kevin (2013) Using XERTE to create interactive learning materials. In: Shar-E-Fest 2013, 10-11 October, 2013, Hamilton, New Zealand.
Clayton, John and Iwata, Jun and Elliott, Richard (2013) MEEPLE: Micro-credentialing Ecosystems Enabling Personal Learning Environments. In: Shar-E-Fest 2013, 10-11 October, 2013, Hamilton, New Zealand.
Clayton, John and Saravani, Sarah-Jane (2013) Personalising learning through self-reflective questionnaires. In: altc2013 (Association for Learning Technologies Conference 2013): Building new cultures of learning, 10-12 September, 2013, Nottingham, England.
Elliott, Richard and Clayton, John (2013) Digital badge dashboards: A conceptual overview for New Zealand District Health Boards. In: altc2013 (Assosiation for Learning Technologies Conference 2013): Building new cultures of learning, 10-12 September, 2013, Nottingham, England.
Iwata, Jun and Clayton, John and Saravani, Sarah-Jane (2013) English language learning & MEEPLE: Micro-credentialing Ecosystems Enabling Personal Learning Environments. In: Wintec Visiting Researcher Seminar, 22 August, 2013, Hamilton, New Zealand.
Iwata, Jun and Telloyan, John and Clayton, John (2013) Medical students’ needs and readiness for e-learning: Survey results at Shimane University, Japan. In: WorldCALL 2013: Sustainability and Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL), 10-13 July, 2013, Glasgow, Scotland.
Porter, Te Wheki (2013) Te tapu o Muriwai kia tu Whakatohea au i ahau! : he tuhingaroa whakapae hei whakatutuki i nga tikanga o te Tohu Paerua o Te Matauranga Maori i te reo Maori i raro i te marumaru tawharau o Te Whare Wananga o Awanuiarangi. Masters thesis, Te Whare Wananga. Awanuiarangi.