Professor Te Kani Kingi Awanuiarangi Research Archive

Professor Te Kani Kingi

Executive Director - Research and Innovation

Research Office

Te Whare Wānanga o Awanuiārangi

I obtained my PhD in Psychometrics from Massey University in 2002. Since then, I have taught, presented, and published, extensively in the area of Māori health and most recently as Editor of Maea te toi Ora: Māori Health Transformations. An edited book which explores Māori concepts of health as well as culturally inspired options for more effective treatment and care. I have over a number of years, filled a range of management, governance, teaching, supervision, and mentoring roles. Likewise, led numerous programmes of research across a broad range of health and wellbeing domains. As an example, I am currently the Māori Theme Lead for the Growing up in New Zealand longitudinal Study and also Programme Director of Te Aratiatia ki te Hauora (A five-year Māori Mental Health Research Programore...

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Latest Additions

  1. Kingi, T. and Durie, M. and Elder, H. and Tapsell, R. and Lawrence, M. and Bennett, S. (2017) Maea te toi ora: Māori health transformations. Huia Publishers, Wellington, pp. 1-333. ISBN 978-1-77550-297-5
  2. Kingi, T. (2022) Mind the gap – unequal from the start: evidence from the early years of the Growing Up in New Zealand longitudinal study. Journal of the Royal Society of New Zealand.

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