Professor Mera Penehira Awanuiarangi Research Archive

Professor Mera Penehira

Head of School - School of Indigenous Graduate Studies

School of Indigenous Graduate Studies

Te Whare Wānanga o Awanuiārangi

I have developed a research and teaching career centred on kaupapa Māori approaches in education. I began my academic career as a kindergarten teacher in the late 1980’s, and graduated from Taranaki Polytechnic with Te Tohu Mōhiotanga (reo Māori) in the early 90’s. I completed my masters in educational psychology at the University of Auckland. My doctoral research centred on Maori women’s health and traditional healing practices, in particular moko, traditional Māori skin carving. I was the recipient of a NZ Health Research Council post-doctoral fellowship, this research explored Māori views of sexual and reproductive health in the context of ‘mouri whakapapa’. My current research and teaching interests include Māori and Indigenous women’s identities and wellbeing, Indigenous research methmore...

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Latest Additions

  1. Penehira, M. (2019) Solidarity Speaks: Aotearoa Citizen Alleges War Crimes in Hawai‘i. Hūlili: Multidisciplinary Research on Hawaiian Well-Being, 11. pp. 247-255.
  2. Penehira, M. (2019) Mana Kaitiakitanga: Mouri moko! Mouri wahine! Mouri ora! In: He Rau Murimuri Aroha: Wāhine Māori insights into historical trauma and healing. Te Atawhai o Te Ao: Independent Māori Institute for Environment & Health, Whanganui, pp. 34-47. ISBN 978-0-473-46780-7